About Plum
That would be me! Over the years, I've acquired many various nicknames for a long list of reasons, but the one that people know me the best by at work is PLUM!! Once upon a time, I use to have a stuffed strawberry pillow plush in my car that people would recognize me by and I was initially deemed "strawberry" to those who did not know my name. (And lets be honest, most of them didn't ask for it either.) One day during a random unofficial meeting after work, my nickname came up and brought up a lengthy 45 minute discussion as to why I am NOT strawberry! GASP!!! THE HORROR!!! Did anyone mention my actual name? No. No, they did not. In fact, there was vote that took place. "What fruit of all the fruits would she be if she could be any fruit?!" The choices were: Strawberry, Apple, Pineapple, and Plum. Did I get a vote? No. Of course not. You don't get to pick your own nicknames! There was no question about what fruit I was named after... Everyone quite literally voted for plum. Why? Because for some reason when they thought about it and looked at me, no other fruit made sense. THE END. And now you know why I, the Plum, am the Plum!
Can you guess my age yet? LOL Lets start with the basics. My favorite color is NOT PINK. Surprise!!! Someone tried to convince me that it is indeed pink, but I assure you, it's plum purple. *wink* I was born during the cusp of Capricorn-Aquarius, and no, I don't really know what it means beyond that. It sounds interesting though, does it not? I also have spent most of my life in Florida, though I'm "from" Louisiana. Can you guess what is probably my most favorite thing to eat? Go ahead. Take a guess! It's fried chicken and beignets. XD Can you hear my fat jiggling in glee? I can as I laugh at the ridiculousness of it! But as a cuisine, I lean towards Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese foods. OH! And tacos in general. Who doesn't like tacos?
Hmm... I can't think of anything to really share, but feel free to DM on instagram for all your curiosities~!